
Bones found in charred rubbish

A Casseldale resident was outraged by what she saw on Monday in Edelweiss.

Lynette Garrow-van Straaten says she was driving along Clydesdale Road when she saw a parked white van and two men hurriedly dumping black bags and other waste into the open field, near the corner of Butler Road.

She pulled over and took photos.

When the pair realised someone was taking pictures of them, they hurriedly returned to their van and drove off, heading toward town.

“I couldn’t believe what I saw and that it happened in broad daylight,” she says.

Garrow-van Straaten returned to the spot on Thursday and found everything had been burned.

“The ash was still hot and it looked like it had been purposefully set alight,” she says.

She went through the ash and came across strange items.

“There were a couple of bones lying there and a tightly wrapped small silver object containing a brownish-coloured powder,” says Garrow-van Straaten.

She adds there were also many light bulbs and medicine bottles, as well as other glass bottles.

“This doesn’t seem right to me, something strange is going on and it’s right here in our backyards,” Garrow-van Straaten says.

“When I walked back to my car, I saw there was also a big pile of used nappies dumped in the field, it’s disgusting that people do this.

“There is a legal dumpsite just up the road from here.”

The pathway used by the white van to gain entry into the field has since been blocked off with large rocks.

The Addie is awaiting comment from the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan municipality.

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