Fuel shortage looms across Gauteng

A looming fuel shortage may hit service stations across Gauteng.

This is after the Fuel Retailers Association (FRA) CEO Reggie Sibiya said that the shortage is a result of a Durban refinery shutdown due to unplanned maintenance.

Disruptions at the South African Petroleum Refinery (Sapref), a joint venture Shell SA Refining and BP Southern Africa, is also contributing to the shortage.

Sibiya adds that they hope the interruptions do not last longer than a week and that everything is being done to return the situation back to normality.

The Addie asked some of the service stations around Springs if they have experienced any problems with acquiring fuel.

This is what they said:

Various residents from around Springs have reported that they have been to multiple service stations that do not have certain fuel or, in some cases, none at all.

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