
Explosives discovered in Springs

Six suspects were apprehended in Springs for possession of explosives and detonators on Thursday morning.

A suspicious-looking vehicle with five occupants was stopped along Paul Kruger Highway at 9am on Thursday morning.

On searching the occupants and the vehicle, the EMPD Tracing Unit members found an explosive detonator in the vehicle.

The five suspects took the metro police to a house where they claimed the detonator was bought.

On arrival at a house in Ghana Street, Slovo Park, the metro police uncovered numerous explosives and detonators.

The house owner was arrested.

It is suspected that the explosives are illegally obtained and used for illegal mining as well as for ATM bombings.

All six suspects, whose ages are between 26 and 33, were detained at Springs police station after being charged with illegal possession of explosives.

They are expected to appear in the Springs Magistrate’s Court soon.

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