Diamond anniversary

Strubenvale residents Frank (81) and Maureen (79) Pritchard celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on Thursday, July 30.

Frank first met Maureen in 1953 when the bank for which he was working transferred him to its Johannesburg branch.

According to Frank, his wife is just as pretty as when he first laid eyes on her.

The couple married two years later in Alberton, where Maureen was staying at the time.

Being a Springs resident, Frank brought his wife to Springs with him.

Although they left to live in Durban for eight years, they moved back to Springs in 1963.

While in Durban their two sons Wallace (58) and Stuart (56) were born.

Back in Springs they were blessed with two more sons, Malcolm (48) and Colin (47).

Frank bought his house in Moffat Street, Strubenvale, where they still reside.

In 1985 the couple were both ordained as pastors.

“As believers we started a church in our living room in 1989, which grew to such an extent that our house could no longer accommodate everyone,” says Frank.

They bought a church building in 1990 where they served as preachers until 2005.

Maureen says they are blessed with their four sons, their daughters-in-law Verniese, Suzette, Ronda and May, six grandchildren, Zylan, York, Darren, Nicole, Mitchell and Kyle, and one great-grandchild, Kelley.

Their recipe for a long and happy marriage is “to learn to understand one another”.Maureen believes when two strangers get married it takes time to adjust to married life.

Frank says communication plays a huge role.

“Talk to each other, don’t go to bed sulking or angry,” he adds.

Their daughter-in-law, May, who is married to Colin, says the anniversary is a “milestone-deluxe”.

She feels it is a privilege to be part of their lives.

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