UPDATED: Scorching fire rages in tyre yard

WATCH: A blazing fire was seen yesterday from as far as 50km away.

A tyre recycling yard was caught up in a roaring blaze in Grootvaly Agricultural Holdings on Saturday evening.

The yard was filled with an enormous number of different sized tyres.

Pieter Rudolph, spokesman for the Ekurhuleni Emergency Services, commenting this morning (Sunday) the blaze was brought under control during the night.

“It is currently still smoldering, but emergency services personnel are still at the scene,” he says.

He adds that they still need to open the burning pile of tyres which then needs to be doused with more water to eliminate the cinder lying beneath the rubber.

Pieter says according to the owner, the reeds behind the property were burning and caused the tyres to catch flame.

“Emergency services personnel worked throughout the night to control the blaze and make sure that it doesn’t spread.”

Rudolph says that water needed to be shuttled from far as there was no water source on the property.

He explains that the tyre yard was recycling old tyres by removing the wire from them and storing them for recycling purposes.

“An investigation will take place to confirm the cause of the fire,” he concludes.

Here is the video:

Residents from all over Springs came to witness the cause of the vast amount of smoke in the sky.

Eben Erasmus who lives in Selcourt, says he saw the smoke all the way from Sebenza which he says is approximately 50km away.

See more photos here.


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