Four life sentences for rape

Convicted rapists, Selonda Khanyise (32) and Moloja Mzwakhe (30) were sentenced in the Springs Regional Court on Monday, July 20.

The duo was convicted of raping three women between 2013 and 2015.

Springs police spokesman, Captain Johannes Ramphora, said the two men waited for the women next to a footpath in the open field opposite the Far East Rand Hospital, pulled them into the bushes, raped them and robbed them of their belongings.

Ramphora said both men were sentenced to life in prison by magistrate Khensene Moila and that Khanyise received three life sentences and Mzwakhe one life sentence.

It was when the third woman was raped earlier this year, that the Violence and Child Protection and Sexual Offence Unit (FCS) could link the DNA to the first two rape cases.

Ramphora added that the police are satisfied with the sentence and appreciate that the case can finally be closed.

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