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Fraudsters pose as Addie staff

It seems people are using the Springs Advertiser's name to gain personal information from Springs residents.

Wilford and Christine van Molendorff were targeted by people claiming to be Addie staff members conducting reader research.

They were first visited by people claiming to be from the Advertiser and then Christine received a call.

When a silver Mercedes Benz recently stopped at their house, the occupants of the car introduced themselves as staff from the Advertiser.

Wilford didn’t think much of it, but became weary when the visitors started asking them personal questions.

It was when he told them he is not prepared to give them any personal information and that their questions were making him uncomfortable, that they got into their car and left.

He says he found it strange the newspaper would be interested in his personal affairs.

Wilford soon realised the visitors were not from the Addie and left it at that.

He soon, however, received a call on his cellphone from a number with a Cape Town area code.

The caller asked to speak to Christine.

Christine was asked if she reads the Addie, and after confirming she does, she was asked to confirm her name and address.

She thought it unusual that someone from the Addie knew her name and would be interested in where she lives.

This made her feel uncomfortable and she immediately disconnected the call.

Wilford has been trying to phone the number ever since, but cannot get through.

Another Springs resident reported a woman driving around Selection Park in a Hyundai Atos, who claimed to be conducting a survey for the Addie.

She asked the resident questions such as do you have satellite TV, do you have insurance and how many cars do you own?

She also asked many people live in the resident’s household.

“I believe it is fortunate I didn’t divulge much personal information to her,” the resident says.

Springs police spokesman Capt Johannes Ramphora says the community should report such incidents to police on 011 365 5719/20.

Note: Caxton Newspapers, of which the Springs Advertiser is part, does conduct reader surveys from time to time.

Several personal questions will be asked similar to those mentioned above.

If residents feel uncertain, they may contact the Caxton Research House on 010 492 8390 to verify.

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