
Windmill Park is now fenced

Windmill Park is completely fenced off.

With three gate entrances situated around the park, ward councillor Dean Stone has questioned how the park will be accessed.

“I have many questions as to how this is going to work, such as whether there will be security guards, and who will be responsible for locking and opening the gates? he says.

The Addie previously published a story (‘Windmill Park to get fence‘, April 23) in which Themba Gadebe, spokesman for Ekurhuleni Metro, stated the fence was erected after many requests from the community.

While Stone agrees the fence is a good idea because there are criminal incidents and other illegal activities taking place, he wants to know if the community will have access to the park on a daily basis.

Gadebe says the fence was erected after lengthy discussions and requests from the Springs SAPS, Springs Business Chamber and the Springs Clean Sponsors.

The metro has existing security arrangements for Windmill Park and the fence will further assist to alleviate the security problems experienced in the past.

“The project will be completed at the end of the financial year 2014/15,” he says.

Further plans and activities will be planned and communicated with the relevant stakeholders.

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