Woman roused from sleep by robbers in her bedroom

A woman was awakened in her Karasberg Road, Modder East home, by someone touching her on Saturday.

The 53-year-old woman saw three men, one armed with a knife and the other two with spanners, in her room just after midnight.

Springs police spokesman Amanda Greybe says the men ordered her to stay in bed while they searched the wardrobe in the bedroom.

They took cash from the wardrobe and from the woman’s handbag.

She noticed one of the suspects had her DVD player in his hand.

They switched off the light and left the house.

Greybe says when it was quiet, the woman went to her brother’s house in Cedarberg Road to inform him about the robbery.

Upon returning to her house, they noticed the dining room window and burglar bars were broken.

She also noticed her passport and three cellphones were taken.

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