Woman’s face bloodied in attempted robbery

He swerved the car and the suspect fell down on the tar.

Chantelle von Weidts (24) got the shock of her life when the window of the car she was travelling in was smashed by an armed man in the CBD last Sunday.

Her father Arno von Weidts (48), who was driving the vehicle, stopped at a red robot at 6.15pm, on the corner of Second Aveue and Second Street.

It was then that he noticed a silver BMW behind them.

The passenger of the BMW got out and smashed the window on his daughter’s side and pointed a gun at her.

Von Weidts says he immediately drove away, with the armed suspect hanging on to his vehicle.

He swerved the car and the suspect fell down on the tar.

Springs police spokesman Amanda Greybe says von Weidts drove to the EMPD offices in First Avenue and noticed his daughter’s face was bleeding.

The Strubenvale resident is grateful to the EMPD officials who escorted them to a nearby hospital where his daughter was treated for the injury to her face.

She received 10 stitches to her left eye.

Chantelle is still in shock and the left side of her face is still swolen.

Von Weidts says the public must be vigilant when stationery at robots in the CBD.

A case of attempted robbery was opened at the Springs Police Station.

Anyone with information that can lead to the arrest of the suspect can contact the Springs police on 011 362 5700/19/20.

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