
Dagga dealer nabbed twice in two days

A man was arrested twice last week for possession of dagga.

Springs police arrested four suspects in Tuin Street, Oranjehof on Thursday (April 23) for possession of dagga.

Police followed up on information received about residents at this address selling drugs.

When the police arrived they found one of the suspects they had arrested the day before for possession of dagga.

It is believed he was released from the Springs cells on Thursday morning before appearing in court.

Springs police spokesman Amanda Greybe says the suspect just arrived home after being released, when he was arrested again for possession of 6.5 grams of dagga.

The other three suspects were found with a total of 25 grams of dagga in their possession.

Greybe says the packages were packed in smaller bags each containing one gram of dagga.

The police are doing regular operations in Springs and surrounding areas to try and keep the streets clean of drug dealers.

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