Stench lingers after spill

No evidence could be found by metro health inspector.

Businesses in New Era kept their doors closed last Wednesday, in an effort to keep the terrible stench out of their buildings.

Anelize Venter, an employee at one of the businesses in the area, claims the stench is from a waste spillage on Stadium and South Main Reef Roads.

It is not known what type of waste material was spilled.

When the Addie visited the scene, most of the waste had disappeared from the road, but the stench lingered.

According to the managing director of Morgan Abbattoir, Dirk Groenewald, they noted the remains of a spillage during a recent inspection.

It could, however, not be confirmed as spillage from the abattoir.

He claims a considerable period of time passed between the time the alleged spill took place to the subsequent investigation and receiving of the actual report.

Documentation for the trucks travelling this route between 6am and 7am were checked, and it was confirmed that no truck transported any waste material at the time.

Groenewald says transportation is being done specifically during the late hours or early mornings, to prevent any unpleasant smells or activities during the day.

He claims there might be a possibility that the truck may have caused the spillage without the driver realising it or reporting it.

Groenwald says they take great precautions when transporting waste goods and have a cleaning team on standby.

He also says the allegations cannot be confirmed.

According to him, an inspector from the Ekurhuleni Metro visited the sight.

The metro confirmed they have sent out an inspector.

Metro spokesman Themba Gadebe says the evidence was basically destroyed by the traffic and due to the rain.


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