
Phase one finished at Murray Park

Additional lights will be installed in the park.

Ward councillor Ramesh Sheodin is pleased to see that significant improvements have been made to Murray Park compared to last year’s visit.

“So far it’s beginning to take shape and becoming beautiful,” he says.

Three chalets were built, two ablution blocks completed, the entrance was renovated and solar lights were put at the entrance.

Ramesh is impressed with the outdoor gym equipment and the children’s playground.

Ward cuncillor Ramesh Sheodin testing the outdoor gym equipment installed at Murray Park during phase one.
Ward councillor Ramesh Sheodin testing the outdoor gym equipment installed at Murray Park during phase one.

The caretaker’s house is almost done and workers were putting in the ceiling last Thursday.

The completion date in terms of the contract for phase one is set for February 18.

However, the metro has added other scope of work to the contractor so the date will change to accommodate those minor additions such as additional solar lights and minor building repairs.

He says it will take a long time for Murray Park to be in a usable state, as this is only the completion of the first phase.

Spokesman for the metro Themba Gadebe says the contract for the first phase has lapsed.

The process of acquiring a contractor for the second phase is at the advanced stage as the tender has already closed.

“We are waiting on our internal processes to get a date for the adjudication process, which will be followed by formal appointment of the new consultant,” he says.

Irrigation is needed on site to do some of the garden maintenance and to water the new trees planted.

He says they have removed some of the older trees and younger trees were planted.

Additional lights will be installed in the park.

In addition, restoration of electricity in the park was done in this phase.

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