Make the most of load shedding by turning it into a romantic evening

Load shedding does not always have to be a bad thing.

There is no need to grab take out food and get into bed early in the evening because there is nothing to do.

Why not make the most out of a bad situation and treat your significant other to a romantic evening alone at home?

If you don’t have a gas stove to prepare a romantic dinner, light the braai and make an entire evening out of it.

Throw a blanket on the floor, light some candles and set plates.

If you don’t feel like making a big meal or lighting the braai, get a few snacks to nibble on while sitting on the blanket.

With a picnic on the floor, in the dark, surrounded by nothing but candlelight, you and your partner can spend some quality time together.

After you have eaten or while you are nibbling on your snacks, grab a board game if you have or play a few games of cards.

Try your hand at charades, get a deck of Uno cards or play truth or dare.

If you want to be truly romantic, play soft music on your cellphone or a battery operated radio and dance to a few songs.

Load shedding doesn’t always have to be seen as a nuisance, but can be made into rare quality time if you choose.

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