Library is still used

The most popular books lent out in Springs are English fiction and Afrikaans large print.

With predictions that libraries will become obsolete and extinct, Ekurhuleni metro assures residents that the library in Springs is still utilized by the community.

The website www.forbes,com predicts that libraries, where you are able to borrow books, will eventually fade away because tablet and e-readers are currently a better way to get a book.

Themba Gadebe, spokesman of Ekurhuleni says there are online facilities, free of charge, available in the library and the metro is currently exploring different means of solving the existing ICT problems at the library.

He says an average of 4 500 people make use of the Springs library every month.

There are also an average of 2 137 people utilizing the research library.

The Springs Library also has a two mobile library buses for toddlers, school children, teenagers, the elderly and for people who are doing Adult Education Training.

Gadebe says the two buses stop at schools, informal settlements, old age homes and areas that do not have a library.

An average of 375 people, of these 200 are children, are using these buses.

These buses, however, don’t have any online facilities.

Gadebe says there are new books available at both the library and on the buses.

The most popular books lent out in Springs are English fiction and Afrikaans large print.

He says the library is also presenting several programmes for old and young such as story hours, holiday programmes and reading awareness programmes.

This year they will host an essay competition and celebrate Library Week during March.

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