Determination is needed to become a pilot

To become a pilot you need to be determined and have a lot of patience.

Joshua Ratcliff, a student at a local training academy shared his experience with the Addie on what requirements are necessary to become a pilot.

He suggests mathematics and science are good subjects to have to become a pilot.

He claims these subjects will give the student the basic understanding of what is going on in the air.

The course can take between one year and two years.

He says to get a commercial pilot’s licence, the student needs to start from scratch.

A private pilot licence (PPL) is needed first and this might take up to 200 flying hours to obtain this licence.

Joshua says it can also be done part-time.

“This will take nothing less than a year, but can be done in two years as the student wishes.”

There are flying schools all over the country that accommodate anything needed for a commercial licence, although the course can be taken full-time or part-time,

The theoretical part of the course includes the following eight subjects: navigation, meteorology, flight planning, air law, principals of flight, human performance and aircraft technical and general.

A PPL licenced pilot can only take family and friends into an aeroplane.

“No money can be earned with a PPL.”

This will cost about R75 000 with 45 hours of flying, of which five hours are spent in a simulator.

He says then only can a student study for a commercial licence, which will cost about R250 000 with 200 flying hours.

Once this licence is obtained, a pilot gets instructor’s rating.

Joshua says then a commercial pilot can teach students how to fly.

Another important factor is every pilot needs to keep a log book of their flying hours.

He says commercial pilots very seldom get a job directly after they have qualified, however, most of them use this time as instructors.

After the instructor’s rating some pilots look for jobs at charter companies to fly smaller aircraft.

Prior to this, during the application, students need to undergo a medical test at an aviation doctor which is called a class two medical.

Here the overall health of the applicant is tested as some illnesses might prevent the applicant from becoming a pilot.

“A student and any pilot needs to be medically fit at all times.”

The civil aviation authority is where decisions are made.

Joshua says to study to become a pilot you have to put in a lot of working hours.

It is hard work, which means the student has to be determined, have a lot of patience and be passionate.

“Passion will get you through the hard times.”

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