Metro takes its time removing dead cow

The metro fetched the partially decomposed carcass of a cow on Friday, four days after the Springs SPCA reported it.

According to Celeste Kleyn, manager of the SPCA, this cow recently calved and due to complications had to be euthanased.

A vet was called out to examine the cow and it was treated, but unfortunately died the next day.

Celeste says they phoned the metro before the euthanisation process but the metro failed to collect the corpse on the same day as promised.

The staff at the SPCA had to move the carcass away from the kennels for health reasons.

She adds they never had problems with the metro before and cannot understand what happened this time.

The Addie called the metro and within less than 30 minutes they arrived to remove the dead cow.

The area needs to be disinfected where the bloated cow was lying with trillions of maggots left behind.

“These are safety precautions that need to be done to keep the rest of the animals on the premises healthy and safe,” Celeste concludes.

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