Items in an emergency breakdown kit

Apart from your entire closet going along for the trip, what else do you need when going on the road?

A car breaking down on a road trip is not ideal, but to make it as safe as possible for you and your family when it does happen, make sure to have these following items in your emergency breakdown car kit.

Gawie van der Merwe from a local dealership took out their emergency breakdown kit to show what is necessary in this kit.

These items are a necessity when you are on an isolated road and road-side assistance is not immediately available.

The neon safety vest is to be visible at all times to other passing motorists while the triangle is to warn motorists of a still-standing vehicle.

The LED torch is used for sight when your car happens to break down at night and you need to determine the problem.

A tyre weld always comes in handy for a temporary fix when the tyre has taken some damage, but get it fixed by professionals as soon as possible.

Jumper cables and tow rope can be used when all else fails and the vehicle is still stationary, refusing to budge.

A medical first aid kit is always a must-have when you travel as anything can happen which would require immediate treatment.

Van der Merwe says that all these items can be purchased in a quality manufactured canvas bag from your local dealership.

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