
Balaclava-clad men rob Everest home

A group of men robbed several shacks in Everest at 3am, yesterday morning (December 4).

They entered the first shack wearing balaclavas, assaulted the owner of the shack and robbed him of clothes and his cellphone.

Captain Johannes Ramphora, spokesman for the Springs police, says the robbers did their rounds by entering the second shack on the same premises.

In this shack they also took the residents’ clothes and cellphones.

Ramphora says the last shack was robbed of all its belongings.

The robbers left with all the goods.

The motive for these robberies is not clear.

The police are investigating the case.

No arrests have been made.

Anyone with information can contact the Springs police on 011 365 5719/20.

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