12-year-old’s birthday at Potters Haven

Matthew Bourbon (12) recently spent his birthday party with the 'clay pots' at Potters Haven.

His decision to share his day with the Potters came after his mother Helen Bourbon told him stories about some of the children.

Helen shared stories on how some of these children have been abused and that their parents had abandoned them.

The stories touched his heart and even after his visit to the haven he will treasure the day forever.

Helen says Matthew said he would rather spend the money on these children than spending it on taking his friends out.

The purpose of sharing his birthday at Potters Haven was to make them feel special by giving them attention and playing with them.

It was an emotional moment for Matthew when they arrived at the haven and the children ran to him and took turns to give him a hug.

This warm-hearted boy with so much love to give was amazed by these children’s reaction.

His family and friends all contributed and although it was his birthday, he shared his special day by giving them gifts.

“They have so little and yet they have so much to give.”

He feels most people receive a lot of love from their family and friends and sharing his love with the children is a good gesture.

He watched the children’s faces while the jumping castle was erected and described this as the highlight of the day.

To ruin the children’s day with awkwardness wouldn’t have been a good idea, therefore he chose only his best friend Jarrod Havenga, to share the day with him and his new friends.

Matthew felt so much joy when he saw them playing and feels humble that he could make a difference in their lives, even if it was just for one day.

The next step for this 12-year-old is to organise a Christmas party for them.

“I had the time of my life and would definitely come back to see them again,” he adds.

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