
Tips on preventing a hijack

Avoid being hijacked

The Springs SAPS gave the following tips on what you should do whenever you are faced with a hijacking situation and how to avoid it.

  • Always trust your instincts.
  • Avoid areas with high incidents of car-hijackings if possible.
  • If you encounter obstacles in the road such as stones or tyres, do not get out of your vehicle to remove them. It is advisable to reverse and drive away quickly in the opposite direction.
  • Be aware of someone who tries to stop you to warn you that there is something wrong with your vehicle such as a flat tyre and so on. When you stop to observe it, they will hijack you.
  • Do not leave your vehicle door open and the engine running while opening your garage door or gates.

While being hijacked

  • Do not resist, your vehicle can be replaced but not your life.
  • Look for characteristics where you can later identify the suspect with such as tattoos, distinguishing marks and so forth.
  • Take note of the suspect’s voice, eyes, clothes, hair, shoes or anything else.
  • If the suspect/s arrived in a vehicle, try to get a clear description of its colour, registration number, make and model.

Where do hijackers target most?

  • Intersections.
  • Garages and parking lots for mass transit, shopping malls and grocery stores.
  • Car wash stations.
  • ATMs.
  • Residential driveways and streets as people get into and out of vehicles.
  • Highway off- and on-ramps.

While on the road…

  • Keep doors locked.
  • When coming to a stop, leave enough room to go around other cars in case of an emergency.
  • Do not pick up hitch-hikers or prostitutes.
  • Drive defensively and not offensively.
  • Try to avoid driving alone at night.
  • If you notice that you are being followed, drive to the nearest police station.
  • Be aware of your surroundings at all times.

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