Halloween is about fun

Springs residents do observe this day.

October 31 is known as halloween and is very relevant to the people of Springs.

The website www.history.com says the Celts used the day to mark the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter.

With this they also believed that this transition between the seasons was a bridge to the world of the dead.

The somber pagan ritual changed through the centuries to a day of fun, costumes, parades and sweet treats for children and adults.

This is precisely how Springs residents see halloween – to have fun and a chance to have a big party.

Leanne Swanepoel, store manager of a party shop in Casseldale says there are many people in Springs who dress-up to have halloween
party during the month of October.

Others decorate their houses during this time.

There is a wide variety of ideas on how to decorate a house with skeletons, ghosts and spiders.

She says she has clients who go big with these decorations in and outside their houses during October.

Halloween is also about having something sweet to eat, she says.

This includes mostly cookies, sweets, marshmallows, cupcakes and cakes – all decorated in the haloween-theme.
Swanepoel says the children in certain areas of Springs still do play trick-or-treat.

This is when they are going to their neighbours in the hope to get something sweet.

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