Selcourt Enclosure turns pink

A few brave women tackled the 2.5km and 5km walk in aid of Pink Trees for Pauline.

The Rotary Pink Parade was recently held at held at Selcourt Enclosure.

Mothers and their children, some still in prams, friends and family members dressed up in pink to support this worthy cause.

Toinette Botha of Pink Trees, says the event is held to highlight breast cancer and cancer awareness in Springs in general.

Trees were wrapped in pink material and one tree in the middle of the park was used as a memory tree where pink ribbons were tied around branches later during the day.

Interesting fleamarket stalls were available to cater for everyone’s needs.

In aid of Breast Cancer Month some stalls were selling cancer ribbons and various other cancer items.
Members of the Springs Rotary Club were selling boerewors rolls.

With the Cansa mobile unit’s two representatives on board, women could have breast examinations done and men were checked for prostate specific antigen levels for signs of cancer.

Lindiwe Makubalo from the metro’s park’s department in Springs joined the group and assisted in planting a tree for the occasion.

The aim of the tree planting is to make the community aware that cancer can be booted.

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