Lock up your stuff, people are stealing here

Theft is still the most reported crime at Springs SAPS.

This came to light on Friday when the South African Police Services released its crime statistics for reported crimes from April 2013 to March 2014 on each police station in the country.

The theft recorded the highest in Springs is under the category theft not mentioned elsewhere, which shot up to 1 323 cases reported during 2013/2014, compared to 1 277 reported in 2012/2013.

Burglary at residential houses also increased in Springs from 836 reported cases in 2012/2013 to 955 for the period in 2013/2014.

Another high statistic is robbery with aggravating circumstances, which stayed the same, 486 cases that were reported in both 2012/2013 and 2013/2014.

Statistics on other theft-related cases, compared between the periods April 2012 to March 2013 and April 2013 to March 2014 are:

Contact crimes were also up in Springs, with common assault the highest on 529 reported cases.

The occurrence of common assault was slightly down, compared to 565 cases in 2012/2013.

There were 55 cases of murder in 2013/2014, compared to 41 the previous year and sexual crimes were 115, compared to 113 in 2012/2013.

No drastic difference was detected in the other contact crimes:

Other crimes that had more arrests in Springs each year through the past 10 years, are drug-related crimes, which are detected as a result of police action.

Compared to the 89 cases in the period April 2004 to March 2005 the arrests for these crimes gradually increased each year until 2014/2013 reflected 235 cases and 2013/2014, 536.

Drug-related crimes show the highest increase in the totals of the Gauteng province, which had 95,8% more arrests in drug-related crimes during 2013/2014, compared to the previous year.

Although Springs had no bank robberies reported, this is the crime mostly reported in Gauteng where there was an increase of 1 000% since the previous year in the province.

Other crimes’ statistics of Springs look like this:

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