
Robbers use sneaky ways to rob houses in Springs

The recent house robbery that took place in Grootvaly on Tuesday (August 26) is cause for concern to the Springs police.

Captain Johannes Ramphora, spokesman for the Springs police, says the trend the robbers use is to drive up and down in the residential areas and look for gardeners and domestic workers who are working outside.

He says they approach these workers and ask questions about the employees.

Six house robbery cases were reported over the past two weeks and the police suspect they are being committed by the same group of men driving a grey vehicle.

The model of the vehicle is unknown to them.

He says during the latest break-in three men approached a 56-year-old gardener in Grootvaly and asked questions about his employees.

They allegedly asked how many people live in the house and if the owner of the house was at home.

The victim was locked up in an outside room while the robbers broke into the house.

They took the TV and other electrical appliances and left the scene.

When the owner of the house arrived at home he noticed the front door was open.

He called the gardener who was nowhere to be found.

Ramphora says the gardener answered from behind the locked door.

“Residents should be on the lookout for slow driving vehicles with three to four occupants,” he says.

It is believed that a truck has also been used in the past where its occupants stopped at a house to ask for directions.

Ramphora requests the community to immediately contact the police on 011 365 4719/20 when they notice suspicious looking vehicles.

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  1. I think you urgently need a journalist with proper linguistic skills. This article is disjointed and the grammar and word usage is terrible.

  2. The gardener has employees? Were the owner and family working for him? Don’t you have a proof reader?

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