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UPDATE: Beaten at school

A case of assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm was opened at the Springs Police Station on Friday because a child was beaten with a cricket bat, on his back, for peeping through the girl's toilet window.

According to the father of the seven-year-old boy, the boy was allegedly beaten with a mini cricket bat at the school.

The boy and his sister (8) told their father about the beating while they were on their way home on Friday afternoon.

The father saw the marks on the boys’ back and immediately returned to the school demanding an explanation.

It is believed the seven-year-old boy’s friend was also punished, but on his bum and not on his back.

The marks were allegedly still clearly visible at the time the boys’ dad opened a case at the Springs Police Station.

The owner of the school, says the school does not condone any action, by anyone, that is not in the best interest of the children.

“The alleged incident will therefore be fully investigated and if necessary appropriate action will be taken.

The owner says in his opinion the allegations made by the father are not a fair reflection of events, nor is it in line with the character of the teacher in question.

He says at this stage he is in the process of ascertaining the facts and is doubtful that the marks shown in the photo are linked to the alleged incident.

He says the best interest of this boy and his sister have always been the first priority of the school and staff have gone to great lengths to accommodate their needs.

“The school can provide many instances as evidence thereof and it would be presumptuous to make any further comments or conclusions at such an early stage,” he says adding: “access to the doctor’s report would assist in this matter.”

Captain Johannes Ramphora, Springs police spokesman, confirmed that a case of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm was opened at the Springs Police Station.

The Springs Advertiser’s facebook page was abuzz with comments as  soon as the story was published on our website on Friday evening.

This is what some of our readers had to say:

Rosemary Boys: I understand why the Addie does not name the school, but on the other hand parents should know.

Charl Heymans: If the boy peeped at my daughter the boy would have preferred the bat.

Conrad Rogers: I disagree with the cricket bat usage, but no one has bothered to suggest what to do to this little angel for peeping through the girl’s toilet window. Good manners and respect start at home.

Dettie and Kobus Swart: No child deserves this no matter what he did. This boy is seven-years-old and not a teenager. he will always be afraid of an adult and how would he be able to trust a teacher again.

Dean Garnett: Bring back the cane.

Liana Burgers: At that age I am sure they just wanted to know why they are not allowed to go in the girl’s toilet and for no other reason.

Rosemary Buys: God gave us hands and a flat hand to the butt made my children well mannered adults. At seven the boy is curious.

Maureen Du Plessis Scheepers: He is only seven-years-old and it is his first year at school. I want to know how anyone can think he wanted to see something more by peeping through the window.




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  1. Punish with flat hand on bum,but not cricket bat,the child is only 7.the mark shows it was a very hard hit what the teacher gave him.I would do the same as the father,do it the right way,or not

  2. Name and shame the school!!! A teacher must hit my son like that and I will make sure he is dealt with accordingly!

  3. the boy is only 7 years, all kids are curious, don’t tell me the teacher never ever peeked through a keyhole in his/her live? Give the teacher a beating with the bad. shame on this teacher.

  4. Yes. My son of 7 years old. He WAS in Noddy Cresche Casseldale since 3 months old. I was shocked to hear and see that my son got hit like this. Yes, boys are naughty I do agree, but for me as a mother I don’t even hit my own kids, who give this woman the permission to hit my boy like this…???? If you tell a child “don’t go there” without giving a reason, they GO there. Just like any other child. My son wasn’t looking to see “anything” they were just playing… Luckily the other boy only got a smack on his bum. So, as my daughter told me, my son was hit once with the cricket bat and fell down then he was hit again..??? Who does this kind of stuff to a child????? And now this woman wants to go study further to be a teacher…???? I would advise to keep your kids away from someone that hits a child Like this..!! Mommy will fight for you Gerhard… I won’t leave it here… Love you. Xxx

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