BREAKING: Seven-year-old boy allegedly punished at school with a mini cricket bat

A seven-year-old boy was allegedly punished by his teacher with a mini cricket bat earlier today (August 15).

It is believed he was beaten with a mini cricket bat for peeping through the girls’ toilet window.

His father picked up his son and eight-year-old daughter at 4.30pm, and on their way home the children told him about what happened.

The boy said it allegedly happened at around 2pm, and added the site of the beating is very sore.

While driving, the boys’ father asked the boy to show him the marks on his back.

The father was shocked to see that the marks were still clearly visible nearly three hours after the incident.

He immediately turned the car around and went back to the nursery school to discuss the matter.

The father alleges the teacher involved told him the boy and his friend were punished as they were peeping through the girls’ toilet window.

It is believed the seven-year-old boys’ friend was also punished, but on his bum and not on his back.

When the father asked the teacher why his son was hit with a cricket bat, she allegedly said because the father gave the nursery staff permission to punish his son if and when he is naughty.

The father wanted to know from the teacher is she thinks punishing his son with a cricket bat over his back is reasonable punishment.

He said he did give them permission to punish his children, but definitely not with a cricket bat.

The father opened a case of assault at the Springs Police Station.

The Springs police spokesman was unavailable at the time of publishing.

The father told the Addie he will take his son to be examined by a doctor tomorrow (August 16).

He said both his children have been part of the nursery school and after school care centre since they were small.

He added this incident should be used as an example for other parents to come forward if anything similar happens to their children.



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