Police, youth desk and community re-build a house

They helped an elderly couple to have a home again

Some Slovo Park residents used their Madela Day goodwill to re-build a house for two elderly people.

Grace Mogashwa, a member of the Springs SAPS youth desk says the RDP house of Christo Maduna and Martha Mahlangu burned down on June 2, 2013 due to an electrical fault.

They lived in a shack in their backyard since the house was destroyed.

Walking past their house a lot, Mogashwa knew there must be something they could do for these people.

Starting a week ago the youth desk, with the help of Springs SAPS, the Slovo Park community policing forum (SCPF), a builder, Veli Hlope and his builders and people from the community decided to re-build this RDP house in Mogadishu Street.

They had to replace the house’s roof, door- and window frames, doors and windows

Mogashwa says the valuable contribution of tavern owner, Joe Gama bought the paint and materials needed to build the house.

Maduna and Mahlangu could not stop smiling while their front yard looked like a beehive of people with all sorts of tools, paint and cement.

Mogashwa says their work was not finished after Maduna and Mahlangu had moved in.

Because the pair lost most of their valuable possessions during the fire, they will attempt to help them getting the necessary goods.

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