Mandela DayNews

Springs Retirement Village packs food for needy

Senior citizens also did their part of 67 minutes

Residents of the Springs Retirement Village (SRV) packed soup powder into small packets for their 67 minutes for Mandela.

The residents were eager to assist when they were approached by management.

All who could possibly help were taken to the hall next to the kitchen where packets, spoons and the soup powder were waiting for them.

Trixie Richardson (98) managed to pack quite a few soup packets, while standing.

Others chose to rather sit down and do their bit.

But however they chose to do it, the residents enjoyed every minute of it.

Hannah Zondach, kitchen manager, says two spoons of powder in a cup of boiling water makes one cup of soup.

The packed product will be handed over to the Springs and KwaThema Child Welfare Society next to the SRV.

They will distribute the packets to the needy.

Trixi Richardson (93) asks if there is enough soup powder in the packet.
Trixie Richardson (93) asks if there is enough soup powder in the packet.

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