Five dogs posioned

Three died and two are still fighting for their lives

Five dogs were poisoned in two days in Selection Park.

Ilona Beets of Harrison Street on Tuesday night lost two small dogs and her neighbour one Dalmation due to poison.
Beets’ bigger dog, a boerbul female, called Lady Pancake, as well as a “pavement special” called Pickles are fighting for their lives at the Springs Veterinarian Clinic.
Pickles was staying in the house when Lady Pancake, as well as the Sausage-dog, Toko and Skipper-dog, called Prawn ingested the poison.
She said she knew something was wrong when the sensor lights in front of her bedroom went off early Tuesday morning.
It was only when she let Pickles out when after 4am when she saw Lady Pancake very sad at the back door.
Her son called her shortly after that when he discovered the dead Toko and Prawn, one in the front of the house and the other in the back garden.
They rushed Lady Pancake to the vets, not knowing that they would go the same route 24-hours after that with little Pickles.
They cleaned up, but Pickles somehow also got hold of the poisoned food early Wednesday morning.
Both Pickles and Lady Pancake were on drips and responded well on the treatment at the veterinary clinic.
Capt Johannes Ramphora, spokesman of Springs SAPS says dogs were poisoned for many reasons, but at all times it is with the intent to commit a crime.
He was not aware of any dogs being poisoned and urged people, that had their dogs poisoned, to open a case to make the police aware of criminal activity in a specific area.
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