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Anna Kreller was a mother, housewife

Ex-partner is picking up the pieces of his and their children's lives

Anna Kreller was never a sex slave, but a mother, a happy housewife and part of a loving family.

This is the opinion of Juandre Vorster of Boksburg, her ex-partner and father of their two boys.

He spoke to the Addie recently about Kreller, who was deported to England, the country of her birth after she was allegedly found in Springs claiming to have escaped a life as a sex slave.

He was shocked to hear that she was found in Springs in April and alleged that she was held as a sex slave.

The Addie reported on April 3 that she was found in Geduld, where she told her “rescuer” she was held as a sex slave.

Vorster relayed the story to the Addie about how both his and her use of alcohol ripped their happy family apart. 

He last saw her in November last year after they decided to break up.

He now cares for their two sons as a single father, where he joined a group of single fathers and has church and other networks to give him advice and support him in raising his children.

An au-pair cares for them during the day and he is there for them after hours.

He believes it is possible to create a wonderful life for his sons.

Vorster said he met Anna seven years ago in a bar in George, where it was love at first sight.

They met again in George after they had not seen each other for six months. 

When he heard she had no place to stay, he allowed her to live in his house in Wilderness.

After a while she moved with him to Johannesburg, where they first stayed with his mother and later moved to Boksburg, close to Vorster’s work.

Their first son, Jet was born on January 15, 2010 and Nate on April 28, 2013.

She stayed at home with her children, but three years into the relationship Anna started to drink heavily. 

After the birth of their sons, post natal depression made the drinking worse. 
Vorster says their relationship spiraled out of control and they grew apart.

Anna eventually took the children with her, but he removed their sons from her in February this year, as he felt that she did not care for them.

Vorster still loved and missed her, but could not live with her.

He is currently picking up the pieces of his life. 

One thing he had to give up was his love for flying charter aircraft, but now takes his children flying on weekends.


Jet and Nate Vorster are missing their mother says dad Juandre Vorster.
Jet and Nate Vorster are missing their mother says dad Juandre Vorster.


A photo of Juandre Vorster with Anna Kreller.
A photo of Juandre Vorster with Anna Kreller.
This photo of Anna Kreller was posted in Springs Advertiser's sister website, Lowvelder at the end of March.
This photo was taken of Anna Kreller after she was found in Geduld.

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