Blood donations make every day a Madiba Day

Residents may give their 67 minutes this year by donating much-needed blood

The Springs Blood Donor Centre will be open from 9am to 6.30pm on July 18, International Madiba Day.

South African National Blood Service (SANBS) requests residents to give their 67 minutes this year by donating much-needed blood.

Because you can donate up to five times a year, this gesture of giving may continue through the year.

Blood donation, according to Ms Vanessa Raju, brand and communications manager of the (SANBS), is one of the simplest ways to make a difference to the lives of others and because it is something you can continue doing every 56 days, it is a sustainable action.

To become a blood donor you must be between 16 and 65 years old, weigh more than 50kg, lead a sexually safe lifestyle, have eaten a good meal before donating and be healthy on the day of the donation.

If you cannot give a unit of blood on July 18, you may pop in at the Springs Blood Donor Centre, which is open on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am to 5pm, as well as on Tuesday from 10am to 8pm and Saturday from 9am to 1pm.

Call the centre on 011 362 2272.

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