Mom gets bail

Bail granted but she may not see her children

The 36-year-old mother, accused of abusing her five children, was released on bail today (Friday), after a two day battle in court.

She appeared before regional magistrate Bennita Oswell in Springs Regional Court Two, where the state opposed her request for bail. Read what she requested, what the police said, as well as some of the witnesses.

After summing up the two days’ evidence given by state witnesses, as well as evidence to strengthen the mother’s case, Oswell granted bail of R2 000 to the mother on three conditions.

The first one is that she will stay with her husband’s family members that offered her shelter as long as she needed it.

The second condition includes that she may not have any direct and indirect contact with any of the state witnesses, which include her 16-year-old daughter, 11-year-old son and some of her closest friends.

The third condition is that she may not see her three younger children until the pending children’s court case is concluded. 

This case will decided on the five children’s future.

After this case’s outcome Oswell said the mother may go back to Regional Court Two with a request of restricted access to them. 

Oswell postponed the case to July 25 to appear together with her husband in Regional Court One.

The state is currently in the process of finalising the charge sheet. 

At this stage it seems that the mom and dad will appear on charges of child abuse, assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, defeating the ends of justice and attempted murder. Her husband may also face a charge of rape.



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