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UPDATE: Electricty outage will not affect all

The 12-hour blackout will not affect all Springs residents

The Ekurhuleni metro has issued a notice stipulating that not all areas in Springs will be affected by the 12-hour power outage on Wedbesday.

Due to urgent Eskom repairs the power supply will be switched off at 6am and will remain off until 6pm on June 25.

However the following areas will not be in the dark:

  • Selcourt
  • Selection Park South
  • Selection Park North (Parts of it)
  • Nuffield (Parts of it)
  • Struisbult
  • Welgedacht
  • Slovo Park
  • Lazarus
  • Persida
  • Modder Oos
  • Dersley Park
  • Daggafontein
  • Daggafontein Extensions

However, all hospitals will be affected.

 Work to restore power will be undertaken with the intention of restoring power to the affected areas by 6pm.

However, the metro has stated that  no guarantee can be given that this deadline will be met.

Work will however continue until the repairs have been completed.

All electrical networks, equipment shall be regarded as being electrically alive at all times while the maintenance is performed.

The Ekurhuleni Metro apologises for any inconvenience caused.

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  1. Useless Eskom just can’t keep the light on hey! Their incompetence and lack of foresight has cost the country and economy billions in losses!

  2. Wat maak dit saak wat ons dink. Alles verval en skielik wil hulle maintenance doen. Wat van mense soos ek wat tropiese visse het en ‘n verwarmer in die water nodig het vir die oorlewing van die visse. Daaraan dink die idiote nie. Hulle moet eerder begin om hulle werk voor die winter en deur die loop van die jaar te doen as om skielik wanneer die ‘n probleem raak dan te wil wakker skrik en iets doen. Maar dis tipies van hierdie korupte regering van ons. En die comment sal ook seker weer afgelag word want wie is die wit man wat nou ongelukkig raak.

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