Food crit: Food to kill hunger pangs

Razia's Halaal Foods has a wide variety of good, freshly prepared food for all tastes

“If you work hard, you got to eat smart,” is the motto of Razia’s Halaal Foods.

Here you will get a wide variety of good, freshly prepared food for all tastes.

Naseem Patel and his wife Razia and one worker started this food outlet specialising in freshly-prepared Indian foods 20 years ago and they are still at the same spot at 63B Third Street (between Fifth and Sixth Avenues).

Today they have a staff compliment of 12 people and a clientele that stretches further than Springs.

All food is prepared freshly at their premises.

At Razia’s you can get a good helping of nourishing food that will not deplete your purse.

During the Advertiser’s visit to Razia’s we had a de-boned beef bunny chow and a king size chicken cheese burger and a portion of chips, a full nourishing meal that would have cost us less than R100.

Chips is a biggie on Razia’s menu, as you can get platters for one with almost anything.

They have fish, chicken, mutton and beef in all forms.

Don’t forget the samoosas and salad Naseem slipped in our take-away packet.

There are spring rolls, pies, roti, schwarmas, tortilla wraps, torpedo rolls with all types of fillings, as well as toasted sandwiches of many sizes and with delicious fillings.

And yes, the burgers really cater for everyone’s taste. The menu also features curry and rice, as well as the bunny chows with mouth-watering curries made with traditional herbs and spices. Razaia’s uses chicken, de-boned beef and mutton for these tasty meals. There is also an option of mince curry and rice.

The menu is completed with the steaks and grilled chicken. In this part of the menu they also have kebabs.

Razia’s also supplies food and platters to many businesses and has a function menu of five different platters to choose from.

Delivery is free in the central business district. Customers may also call in their order to collect their food later.

They have a team of four delivery men on bicycles that each day deliver in the central business district, up to the court. The four are never sitting idle, as the orders are steaming in.

The delicious bunny chow I had for lunch.
The king size chicken cheese burger we had to finish.
Shams Zeubeir (left) and Isaac Mahlangu are two of the four friendly delivery men at Razia’s.
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