State close Mangaung trial

The trial will continue

Treason accused Johan Prinsloo (51) appeared in the Bloemfontein High Court on last Thursday.

The State closed its case against Prinsloo.

Prinsloo made a list of admisstions in agreement with his legal counsel which was handed to the court by the Torie Pretorius senior prosecutor.

Springs businessman Prinsloo, faces charges of treason, conspiracy to take part in terrorist acts.

Prinsloo, Martin Keevy (49) and Mark Trollip (48), were arrested for an alleged plan to attack the ANC’s Mangaung conference in Bloemfontein in December 2012.

Prinsloo allegedly tried to overthrow the government by trying to obtain mortar bombs and other weapons to attack President Jacob Zuma and cabinet ministers during the conference.

He pleaded not guilty to all the charges.

During a short sitting, after consultations on the admissions between the two parties lasted until noon, Pretorius closed the state’s case.

Defence advocate Johann Nel asked for a postponement to Monday.

Judge Mojalefa Rampai adjourned the matter.

Trollip pleaded guilty to a charge of conspiracy and was sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment in 2012.

Keevy was declared unfit to stand trial after undergoing psychiatric evaluation for two months

The trial will continue on Monday.

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