SpringsCare, Men of the East host a crime awareness day

They also invited their families

Men of the East, a men’s ministry of the Trinity Methodist Church in Lodeyko and SpringsCare hosted a crime awareness day on Saturday.

This was held at the SpringsCare Community Centre.

The Men of the East meets on every second Saturday each month and decided to invite their wives and families to this day to teach people about being safe.

The dog unit of Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department demonstrated their dogs’ skills.

Lieutenant Mariaan Benade, commander of Springs Sector 1, gave insight on criminal activities.

Other contributors were Dianne Taggard of 4C Community Counselling Centre and a grav-maga self defence demonstration.

The men’s next meeting is on June 14 when Fergus Buchanan will visit them.

They will also host a movie night on May 30 at SpringsCare Community Centre.

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