Vote for the party of your choice

Do it with your heart

May 7 is more than a holiday.

It is a time when all South Africans are equal, a time when registered voters stand together in rows to vote for their party of choice.

The political scene had changed since the last election in 2009.

The ANC was, in 2009, voted in as leading party, with the DA as official opposition.

Cope, the last election’s new kid on the block is still around and there are two new contenders on the scene – Agang SA and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF).

During 2009 the voters in Ekurhuleni stood behind the ANC, giving them 67.52% of the votes in the region, with the DA following with 20.45%.

The other strong parties in Ekurhuleni during the last election included Cope (6,22%), Inkatha Freedom Party (1.86%), Vryheidsfront Plus (0,99%) and African Christian Democratic Party (0,88%).

Voting is a private choice, made with conviction.

Each political party has a manifesto in which it declares its intentions for running the country and how people would live under its government.

Most of the parties want to give more jobs and a better life to its voters. The fight against corruption is mentioned in almost every manifesto.

The ANC’s election campaign has the slogan “Together we move South Africa forward. It strengthens the party’s aim for a better life for all in a united, non-racial, non-sexist democratic and prosperous society.

On the other hand, the current official opposition, the DA says in their slogan “Together for change, Together for jobs.” The party wants to deliver an open opportunity society for all.

Cope believes South Africa deserves a better government. Their style is a government of the people, by the people, for the people and with the people.

Agang SA dreams of providing a political home for all South Africans who are humiliated by their dependency on handouts and are tired of the way things have been. They recognize that it is time to build South Africa, together, into a winning country.

The Economic Freedom Fighters has the slogan “Now is the time for economic freedom”. Their commitment to the voters is to bring real economic transformation to the country and leave a lasting, positive and meaningful legacy for generations to come.

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