Area cleansing error is now corrected

The metro has one inclusive levy on refuse from April 1

The area cleansing levy error on Ekurhuleni service accounts is now corrected

Lebogang Ramashala said, on behalf of Ekurhuleni Metro, the metro would have one inclusive levy on refuse from April 1.

This includes the R5.70 that had many people wondering since July last year.

After many cries from the community that the metro could not just debit rates accounts with an extra charge, this was the final answer on this question.

Ramashala said the error that popped up on residents’ service accounts since the new financial year started on July 1 last year was actually splitting the tariff in two. This was for refuse collection and area cleansing.

“The combined amount will reflect a 15% increase from last year’s (July 2012 to June 2013) tariff,” Ramashala said.

Residents were, since July 2013, in the dark about this R5.70 levy each month on their accounts.

Many have walked into a brick wall trying to find out what the money was for, while another was told it was to clean up the area.

In November the former metro spokesman, Sam Modiba said the R5.70 levy was erroneously implemented as a separate charge effective from July 1, 2013.

He described the R5.70 as an ‘administrative error’ that was to be corrected through the formal adjustment budget, planned for February 2014.

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