Two men arrested

Springs police arrested two men in Fourth Street, Springs CBD, for possession of drugs last Tuesday.

At 3.10pm, police in plain clothes were patrolling the area when they saw a suspicious-looking man, they stopped him and asked if they could search him.

Springs police spokesman Captain Johannes Ramphora, says he agreed to be searched and the police found a bag containing a white substance.

When he couldn’t answer the questions asked by the policemen, they arrested him and took him to the Springs Police cells.

* A policeman on duty approached the Corner Tavern at 10pm.

Cpt Ramphora says the policeman saw a suspicious-looking man which he searched after he was given permission.

“He searched the man’s pockets and found a small plastic bag containing dagga,” adds Cpt Ramphora.

The man was arrested and taken to the Springs Police cells.

Both men appeared in court last Wednesday.

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