Water safety tips

Much of the country is experiencing hot summer days and if not that, is a heavy rain whereby most of the water is damming around, enticing children to swim with the intention of cooling down.

Schools and many industries have closed for festive season however; Ekurhuleni Disaster and Emergency Management Services (DEMS) would like to alert the public in general to be on high alert while enjoying their festive holidays.

Rivers, dams, canals and even streams are getting flooded and become unpredictable.

The surface water may appear to be very smooth but the current may be very fast, strong and too deep for an individual.

If you come across the river and the water level is above the ankles, stop, turn around and go the other way.

When driving and you come across the bridge covered by water and you are unable to see the surface of the road, turn around and use the alternative route.

Never try to walk, swim, or drive through such swift water. If is moving swiftly, even water 10cm deep can sweep you off your feet.

Never boat just above below a dam.

Do not go past floats, signs ropes or lights that warn of a dam.

Don`t boat or paddle near a low level dam.

Stay away from canals-current and tides hide beneath the surface.

Rivers can have strong currents and hidden dangers beneath the surface.

Some rivers have waterfalls where the water drops hundreds of meters.

It is advisable to wear life jackets while performing religious rituals in the rivers and dams.

Watch out for fallen trees, stumps, broken glasses in the dams and rivers water.

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