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Duck Day success

The Selcourt Residents Association (SRA) organised a fun day, called the Duck Day, and a mountain bike race on Saturday at Phoenix Dam.

According to one of the organisers Tammy Carlson, the day was a huge success and they enjoyed the fact that it wasn’t just Selcourt residents visible on the day.

The Springs Boys’ High Brass Band performed while visitors were streaming in to see what the different stalls had on offer.

Children from the Springs Central Air Scouts and Cubs were feeding the geese at the dam.

Some of the children showed off their talent with the Stikz they bought to play with.

According to stallholder Debbie Garnett, Christmas is around the corner and people start to buy decorations and for that reason she decided to exhibit all her Christmas goodies.

Apart from the aroma of Indian food and boerewors filling the air, there was also various cycling races that took place.

Family and friends were cheering all the cyclists who battled it out on the 3km racetrack.

The day ended off on a high note when all the winners in the different racing categories were announced.

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