
Metro online billing is secure

The metro issued a statement last week assuring its online billing system users that the site remains secure to use.

The statement was issued after concerns were raised when a neighbouring municipality’s online billing system vulnerability was exposed, as it allowed private municipal invoices to be viewed by anyone with an internet connection.

“The integrity of our online billing system, eSiyakhokha, remains intact. Users must register on the site before they can access their information. After registration they are issued with a username and password to access their account information.

“You can only view your own statements on the site, no additional information is accessible,” assured Kiruben Pillay, the municipality’s chief information officer, emphasising that customer information on the eSiyakhokha services is protected in line with ICT industry security best practices.

Kiruben said, however, the recent Jo’burg incident has led to the Ekurhuleni metro taking extra precautionary measures to protect its consumers.

“We have reviewed our eSiyakhokha services for any security flaws and have dealt with a potential flaw that we detected.

“Furthermore, we have also reviewed the eValuation website and the pre-paid electricity systems managed by third parties, and can advise that there are adequate security controls in place which prevent security breaches, such as others being able to view or edit another customer’s information,” Kiruben said.

Sheldon Quarmby, the chief executive officer of Interfile, the company managing the municipality’s eSiyakhokha online billing site, confirmed that they have dealt with the potential security vulnerability on the system.

“We acted on the vulnerability; however it is important for ratepayers to be aware that there was no security breach.”

Customers who have any queries are more than welcome to contact the eSiyakhokha call centre on 011 361 4201 between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, or send an email to

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