House robbed in Petersfield

A house was robbed in Kent Circle in Petersfield last Thursday.

According to Springs police spokesman Captain Johannes Ramphora, a man woke up at 4:45am to let his dogs out, when his son came running down the the passage screaming on the top of his voice.

“Two robbers entered the house and one armed robber was already in the house. They ordered the man, his wife and his son to lie down,” says Capt Ramphora, adding that the robbers asked the family for firearms.

Capt Ramphora says two of the robbers took the TV off the wall and ransacked the house.

“One armed robber stayed with the victims and held the gun to the man’s throat and threw a towel over his head,” says Capt Ramphora.

He says the man was scared the robber might shoot him on front of his son.

The robbers lastly asked for the family’s car keys, loaded the stolen goods into the family’s two cars, a VW Polo and a VW Vito, and then drove off.

No shots were fired and no arrests have been made.

Anyone with information can contact the Springs police on 011 365 5700/19/20 or Capt Ramphora on 079 694 6936.

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