Dealing with ADHD

In the second of our articles on dealing with children with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Wynandus Bezuidenthout, executive manager of Protea School offers more advice for parents dealing with these children.

Children with ADHD cannot delay gratification and need external rewards for motivation.  They have difficult personalities, are sassy, impervious to discipline and obnoxious. As mentioned in the first edition the symptoms of ADHD per se are:

These children can by hypo- or hyper aroused, and sometimes, when they get excited, can be totally out of control with bouts of anger, lashing out, crying and throwing temper tantrums.   Their behaviour can be totally unpredictable making the upbringing and education of these children very difficult. nEach of these sign implies specific difficulties within the family
Discipline: In dealing with children with ADHD, both parents have to be involved in the discipline of these children.

Systems to use

If you have any questions on this or other learning difficulties, please direct these to the school through the Addie for coverage in a future issue. Questions and suggestions can be sent to

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