Make an example of them

Hear what Springsites have to say about those found guilty of corruption.

In light of all the commission of inquiries into state capture, maladministration and corruption within state entities, we asked Springsites what they think should happen to those found guilty.

“They must be removed and replaced with people who are going to do their job well. That will improve the economy and our quality of life,” says Nozipho Ngxukumeshe.


Zandile Ngwaqa thinks “those found guilty must pay back the money. It didn’t belong to them in the first place so they should give it back.”


Lettie Janse van Vuuren says, “They must be prosecuted because they are bringing the country down with all this corruption. It’s bad for everyone – business and people.”


Charmain Kruger says, “I think they should be put away for a long time. People must take notice of what is happening around them and the corrupt officials must be used as a warning to others.”


“I think the law must take its course. You should be jailed if you are corrupt, you must be punished because service delivery is a problem. That looted money could have been diverted elsewhere where it could be helpful,” says Senzo Mbanjwa.


Abdullah Rassool says, “They should pay back the money but there should also be proper measures put in place to prevent this from happening again. An example needs to be set for others.”


Mike Klue says, “They should get jail time and pay a fine.”


“Justice must be served. If this corruption carries on or they get away with it, it will encourage others to do the same thing. It doesn’t motivate the youth to see this kind of behaviour, it doesn’t set the right example,” says Eric Vilakazi.
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