
We still don’t get post

The response from the Post Office spokesman is not correct.

I concur with the views of MK Stella in the Reader’s Views in the Springs Advertiser dated August 28, 2014.

However, the response from the Post Office spokesman is not correct.

The issues referred to by MK Stella affect the whole of the Springs postal delivery area and are not yet resolved.

I have only received the odd mail item since the strike ended at the end of June 2014.

Apparently the postal delivery staff went on strike again last week, hence no post is again being delivered in Springs.

A notice is being displayed in the Riverfield Post Office agency.

The notice is a labour court ruling addressed to the union representing the postal delivery staff and states that any staff not returning for duty by Wednesday 2014-08-27 (date has now passed) will be dismissed.

I have tried calling the Springs deport (011 811 2196) for an update but the phone remains unanswered.

When will we be able to receive mail again as the Post Office staff are more on strike than working and the Post Office management seem unable to resolve the issue and fulfil their responsibility to their customers?

Hans Dewald

Petersfield Extension.

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