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Mother back in court

The Springs mother accused of abusing her five children will be back in court tomorrow (Tuesday)

The woman, who was arrested last Monday, in connection with the abuse of five children allegedly by her and her husband will appear in Springs Regional Court 1 tomorrow after the case was postponed when she made her first appearance last Tuesday.

She will make her bail application tomorrow and is expected to face the same charges as her husband, dubbed the Springs Monster.

The charges leveled against the couple are child abuse, assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, defeating the ends of justice and attempted murder. The husband will also face a rape charge.

She has been held at the Johannesburg Prison since her appearance last week.

The woman was arrested a month after the house in which she and her husband and five children were living was raided by the police on May 21.

Her husband was arrested on May 23.

Bail was denied on June 5 and he has been remanded in custody at Modderbee Prison pending his next appearance in the Springs Magistrates Court on July 25.

The case relates to the abuse of the couple’s five children, aged between one and 16 years of age, who were kept locked up in their Springs house for a number of years before the 11-year-old son escaped and sought help from the neighbours on May 20.

The Addie be in court tomorrow to bring you the details of the bail application.


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