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Robbers torture and rob couple

Robbers threatened to rape both of them and cut off his genitals.

A couple from Dunnottar was tortured and robbed during the early hours of Saturday morning.

The man’s daughter (who did not want to be named) contacted the Addie on Monday to relay the couple’s experience, suggesting that residents be vigilant about testing their alarms and panic buttons on a regular basis, and that they be more alert to happenings in their surroundings.According to her, the couple – the man and his fiancĂ©e, was taken hostage and tortured in their home from around 2am until 5am.

“I am absolutely sick to my stomach what they did to them only to get away with a microwave, TV, kettle and coffee machine.

“The car was recovered thankfully that day by the cops,” she said.

“My dad is so badly beaten his ribs are blue, eye swollen shut, stitches on forehead and scalp. “They tied his hands up so tight that he lost blood flow to them and now (on Monday when she spoke to the Addie) is only starting to get back slight use of them.

“They threatened to rape his fiancĂ©e and he tried to fight back so then they said ‘well then we will rape you instead’. So she tried stopping them and they broke her nose.

“Thankfully they didn’t rape either of them. They also tried cutting off his genitals.

“My dad and his fiancĂ©e are in desperate need of trauma counselling.

“The worst part is they pressed the remote panic button twice and nothing happened.”

Warrant Officer Tommy Tomlinson from the Dunnottar police says the couple, aged between 48 and 52 years old, was still asleep when the robbers stormed into their house in Dunnottar.

“The robbers broke the woman’s nose and hit the man over the head,” he says.

He says the electricity appliances such as the microwave,TV,and coffee machine were taken by the robbers who then fled the scene.

Tomlinson added that the robbers also took the couple’s car, however it was recovered in Tsakane at around 9am on Saturday.

No arrests have been made.

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