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Father accused: the case so far

The man accused of abusing his family in the Springs House of Horrors will remain in Modderbee Prison until his next appearance on July 25.

The Addie reviews what we know about the case so far:

  1. The case came to light when his son escaped the captivity of their Springs house to seek help from the neighbours on May 19.
  2. The police first entered the house, by force, on May 20 but could not find the 11-year-old boy. They found and removed four other children aged between one-year-old and 16.
  3. They returned to the house on May 23 with a warrant of arrest for the father.
  4. The boy was found in Warden, with relatives of the father, on May 23.
  5. The man appeared in court on May 26 and again on May 28 when the case was posted to June 4 for a bail hearing.
  6. Bail was denied on June 5 after experts were called to testify on June 4. His trial was scheduled to start today, June 12.
  7. While awaiting transport back to Modderbee Prison on June 5 he slit his wrists in an apparent suicide attempt.
  8. He was attended to at Far East Rand Hospital and returned to prison on the same day.
  9. He appeared in court this morning and the matter was postponed to July 25 to enable the prosecution to access information from further investigations.
  10. As of today, he has yet to be asked to plead but is accused of child abuse, defeating the ends of justice, attempted murder, rape and assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.





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One Comment

  1. Wish I could have 10min behind closed doors with this piece of crap to teach him what’s right and what’s wrong! Animals like this deserves street justice. I hope they rape him repeatedly in jail!

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